3 matches found for search term
Mexico, exact phrase.
Chicxulub Impact - V9
Asteroid impact. Illustration of a large asteroid colliding with Earth on the Yucatan
Peninsula in Mexico. This impact is believed to have
led to the death of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago. The impact formed the
Chicxulub crater, which is a...
... nt, KT, KT extinction event, meteorite, Mexico,
motion action, Paleogene, penins ...
Chicxulub Post Impact - V1
Artwork of the Chicxulub crater, shortly after its formation. This crater was formed
66 million years ago, off the coast of present-day Mexico, following the impact of an asteroid 10-14
kilometres across. The asteroid is widely believed to have provo...
... , graphic, gravity, impact, K-Pg, Limb, mexico,
north america, ocean, Paleogene, ...
Chicxulub Post Impact - V2
Artwork of the Chicxulub crater, shortly after its formation. This crater was formed
66 million years ago, off the coast of present-day Mexico, following the impact of an asteroid 10-14
kilometres across. The asteroid is widely believed to have provo...
... , graphic, gravity, impact, K-Pg, Limb, mexico,
north america, ocean, Paleogene, ...
End of 3 total matches