8 matches found for search term
cloud, exact phrase.
Solar System and Oort Cloud
The Oort cloud is a vast, spherical region of space
thought to surround the Sun, with a radius measured in thousands of astronomical
units (1 AU being the Earth-Sun distance). Evidence for it comes from the orbits of
long-period comets, which seem to...
Adobe Photoshop, inner solar system, Oort Cloud,
outer solar system, planet, sch...
Galaxy Tidal Streams - V1
Artwork of a galaxy surrounded by stellar streams. Streams are elongated, looping
structures made from stars and gas. They result when a smaller galaxy passes a more
massive one and becomes torn apart by tidal forces....
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cloud, distortion,
galaxy, high velocity, interactio...
Galaxy Tidal Streams - V2
Artwork of a galaxy surrounded by stellar streams. Streams are elongated, looping
structures made from stars and gas. They result when a smaller galaxy passes a more
massive one and becomes torn apart by tidal forces....
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cloud, distortion,
galaxy, high velocity, interactio...
Shepherd's Delight - V2
This is an impression of a hypothetical Earth-type planet in the vicinity of Barnard
33, also known as. the Horsehead Nebula because, well, it looks like a horse's head.
At least that's what people claim. So what you're seeing here is a cloud of gas ...
Adobe Photoshop, exoplanet, extrasolar, habitable, Horsehead, landscape, life, n...
Nebula Flight
Animation of a flight into a dense cloud of dust
within a bright emission nebula. Emission nebulae glow pink due to ionisation of the
hydrogen gas they contain by the radiation from hot young stars recently born within
them. The densest regions of ga...
animation, Blender 3D, dust, gas, globule, HII region, nebula, starbirth, star f...
Planet Collision
... - the aftermath of a collision between two planets. The collision caused the two
bodies to merge into a giant, donut-shaped cloud of
hat gas and dust called a synestia (background). Debris from the impact is seen in
the foreground. ...
Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, Blender 3D, collision, debris, impact, Leiden Obs...
Dormant Black Hole
... s emitted from these accretion discs give away the black hole although it cannot
itself be seen. But in the Large Magellanic Cloud is
a star system called VFTS 243. There is a visible star of type O which is 160,000
times more luminous than the Sun a ...
Adobe Photoshop, animation, astrophysics, black hole, blue giant, distortion, gr...
Active Galactic Nucleus - V3
... ose with unusually bright central regions, the black hole is probably feeding off
a vast accretion disc - a donut-shaped gas cloud.
The gas in the disc spirals around and is heated to extremely high temperatures by
friction, before falling into the h ...
accretion, active, Adobe Photoshop, AGN, astronomy, astrophysics, beam, birth, b...
End of 8 total matches