Search Results
4 matches found for search term comets, exact phrase.

Volcanic Exoplanet - V1
Illustration of a young terrestrial exoplanet around an M-dwarf star under intense asteroidal bombardment. Created for an Oxford University press release....
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, comets, exoplanet, landscape, Oxford University, pr...

Volcanic Exoplanet - V2
Illustration of a young terrestrial exoplanet around an M-dwarf star under intense asteroidal bombardment. Created for an Oxford University press release....
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, comets, exoplanet, landscape, Oxford University, pr...

Oceans Form
... rtly after the Earth formed, or it may have been delivered to Earth during the late heavy bombardment period, in the form of comets or water-rich, chondritic meteorites. It is most likely that both processes contributed - the chemical make-up of the ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, early, heavy bombardment, impacts, limb, oceans, pr...

Solar System and Oort Cloud
The Oort cloud is a vast, spherical region of space thought to surround the Sun, with a radius measured in thousands of astronomical units (1 AU being the Earth-Sun distance). Evidence for it comes from the orbits of long-period comets, which seem to...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, inner solar system, Oort Cloud, outer solar system, planet, sch...

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