6 matches found for search term
corridor, exact phrase.
Astronaut on High-Altitude Station
Artwork of astronauts high above the Earth on a structure attached to an orbital
ring. An orbital ring is a magnetised construct that encircles the Earth and moves
around it with orbital velocity. Structures can be magnetically levitated above the
Adobe Photoshop, astronaut, Blender 3D, corridor,
Earth, future, hardware, orbit...
Astronaut on High-Altitude Station
Artwork of astronauts high above the Earth on a structure attached to an orbital
ring. An orbital ring is a magnetised construct that encircles the Earth and moves
around it with orbital velocity. Structures can be magnetically levitated above the
Adobe Photoshop, animation, astronaut, Blender 3D, corridor, Earth, future, hard...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - V1
... h a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of 0.5g. The
structure composes a central ring, which contains a corridor giving access to 32 pods. These serve as guest
quarters, and are detachable in the event of an emergency. ...
Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altitude hotel, RedBub...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - V2
... h a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of 0.5g. The
structure composes a central ring, which contains a corridor giving access to 32 pods. These serve as guest
quarters, and are detachable in the event of an emergency. ...
Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altitude hotel, RedBub...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - Shot 1
... h a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of 0.5g. The
structure composes a central ring, which contains a corridor giving access to 32 pods. These serve as guest
quarters, and are detachable in the event of an emergency. ...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altit...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - Shot 3
... h a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of 0.5g. The
structure composes a central ring, which contains a corridor giving access to 32 pods. These serve as guest
quarters, and are detachable in the event of an emergency. ...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altit...
End of 6 total matches