Search Results
4 matches found for search term distortion, exact phrase.

Gravity Waves From Black Hole Merger
... produce gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are a prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Gravity is the distortion of spacetime by mass, and changes in this distortion travel in waves at the speed of light. The effect is most pro ...
Keywords: ... ng, deformation, deforming, distorting, distortion, einstein, general relativity ...

Dormant Black Hole
Black holes normally reveal themselves in astronomy because they are surrounded by discs of gas, heated to high temperatures, stolen from nearby stars. The X-rays emitted from these accretion discs give away the black hole although it cannot itself b...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, animation, astrophysics, black hole, blue giant, distortion, gr...

Galaxy Tidal Streams - V1
Artwork of a galaxy surrounded by stellar streams. Streams are elongated, looping structures made from stars and gas. They result when a smaller galaxy passes a more massive one and becomes torn apart by tidal forces....
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cloud, distortion, galaxy, high velocity, interactio...

Galaxy Tidal Streams - V2
Artwork of a galaxy surrounded by stellar streams. Streams are elongated, looping structures made from stars and gas. They result when a smaller galaxy passes a more massive one and becomes torn apart by tidal forces....
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cloud, distortion, galaxy, high velocity, interactio...

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