20 matches found for search term
early, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 2:
Oceans Form
An artwork of the early Earth around 3.8 billion
years ago, when its oceans were forming. Both the Moon (right) and the Earth are
heavily cratered. There are two possible sources for Earth's water: it may have
separated out from the rocks shortly aft...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, early, heavy
bombardment, impacts, limb, oceans, pr...
Drying Mars YT
This is a composite of several sequences I did for Dave Brody at Magellan TV, for a
documentary entitled Mars Calling. The brief was to show Mars transitioning from a
watery planet to a dry one. I have no doubt Mars once had significant bodies of
ancient, animation, Blender 3D, canyon, change, composite, dry, dusty, early, la...
Early Earth - V5
Animation of erupting volcanoes, lava flows and storms on the primordial Earth. The
Moon is seen in the sky. At this early stage, the
Moon was far closer to Earth than it is now. During the Archaean epoch of the Earth's
past, between 2.5-4 billion ye...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, eruption, landscape, lava, primeval, primitive, pri...
AGB Star
... planetary systems. The research has shown that enrichment from these retired
stars could be a more viable way of heating the early Earth. Illustration created for a press release by
the University of Sheffield. ...
Adobe Photoshop, AGB star, dust, enrichment, gas clouds, HII region, Imperial Co...
... mple, which it returned to Earth on 24 September 2023. It's subsequent study is
expected to improve our understanding of the early
Solar System. ...
Adobe Photoshop, animation, asteroid, Bennu, Blender 3D, mission, NASA, Osiris-R...
Earth Then and Now
Illustration conceptualizing the formation of the Moon. The left side shows a
collision between the early Earth and a smaller
rocky protoplanet about the size of modern-day Mars. The right shows the Earth and
Moon today....
3DS_Max, Adobe Photoshop, birth, collision, crescent phase, formation, impact, p...
Primitive Earth - V3
Animation of erupting volcanoes, lava flows and storms on the primordial Earth. The
Moon is seen in the sky through the clouds. At this early stage, the Moon was far closer to Earth than it is
now. During the Archaean Eon of the Earth's past, between...
Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, animation, Blender 3D, eruption, landscape...
NASA Dragonfly on Titan - V1
Animation depicting the NASA drone/probe called Dragonfly. Scheduled for launch in
2028, this probe will visit Titan. Dragonfly, upon arrival in 2034, will search for
signs of prebiotic chemical processes common on both Titan and the early Earth befo...
animation, astronomy, atmosphere, Blender 3D, Dragonfly, landscape, methane, mis...
NASA Dragonfly on Titan - V2
Animation depicting the NASA drone/probe called Dragonfly. Scheduled for launch in
2028, this probe will visit Titan. Dragonfly, upon arrival in 2034, will search for
signs of prebiotic chemical processes common on both Titan and the early Earth befo...
animation, astronomy, atmosphere, Blender 3D, Dragonfly, landscape, methane, mis...
NASA Dragonfly on Titan - V3
... ethane. Dragonfly, upon arrival in 2034, will search for signs of prebiotic
chemical processes common on both Titan and the early Earth before life developed. ...
animation, astronomy, atmosphere, Blender 3D, Dragonfly, landscape, methane, mis...
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