4 matches found for search term
frozen, exact phrase.
Eyeball Planet Cold - V1
... them 'eyeball planets'. For example, on a world rich in water, the side that
permanently faces away from its star is likely frozen, while the other hemisphere remains liquid -
creating a circular 'iris' of liquid water surrounded by ice. This is cal ...
... et, extrasolar planet, eye ball planet, frozen,
ice, terrestrial, tidally locked ...
Eyeball Planet Cold - V2
... them 'eyeball planets'. For example, on a world rich in water, the side that
permanently faces away from its star is likely frozen, while the other hemisphere remains liquid -
creating a circular 'iris' of liquid water surrounded by ice. This is cal ...
... et, extrasolar planet, eye ball planet, frozen,
ice, terrestrial, tidally locked ...
Martian Noachian Extremes - V1
... mounts of surface water froze. The subsurface aquifers remain present during both
extremes but the uppermost ones might have frozen
solid during cold extremes. ...
Adobe Photoshop, ancient, atmosphere, axial tilt, Blender 3D, climate change, ex...
Martian Noachian Extremes - V2
... mounts of surface water froze. The subsurface aquifers remain present during both
extremes but the uppermost ones might have frozen
solid during cold extremes. ...
Adobe Photoshop, ancient, atmosphere, axial tilt, Blender 3D, climate change, ex...
End of 4 total matches