Search Results
4 matches found for search term glowing, exact phrase.

Abstract Earth
Abstract image of the Earth, with the continents represented by a matrix of dots....
Keywords: abstract, Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, continents, digital, Earth, glowing, rays...

PNe - V5
Artwork of an imaginary planetary nebula. This is a glowing shell of gas cast off by a star near the end of its life. The star can be seen at the centre of the nebula. The Sun will one day form a planetary nebula, once its internal stock of hydrogen ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, death, exoplanet, extrasolar planet, planetary ne...

Neighbours - V12
An impression of the Earth and Moon as seen in space. Cities are seen glowing on the night side....
Keywords: 3DS_Max, Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, atmosphere, continents, craters, crescent p...

Gravity's Lens - V2
... r light is bent and lensed by the hole, and the light of the stars which are most directly behind it surrounds the hole in a glowing ring. ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, black hole, Blender 3D, Einstein, gravitational, ...

End of 4 total matches