5 matches found for search term
heat, exact phrase.
Accelerating Universe
Artwork conceptualising the expanding and accelerating Universe. Since the 1990s,
astronomers have known that the Universe is not only expanding, but that the rate of
expansion itself is accelerating. This is postulated to occur due to a mysterious
... expanding, exploding, explosion, glow, heat,
high temperature, hot, initial con ...
Exploration of Venus
Artwork showing blimps and a habitat in the temperate zone within Venus' atmosphere.
Although the surface of Venus is hellish, with crushing pressures and searing heat, at an altitude of 50 km (31 miles) the conditions
are much milder, comparable to ...
Adobe Photoshop, airships, atmosphere, Blender 3D, blimps, clouds, cloudscape, e...
Exploration of Venus
Animation showing blimps and a habitat in the temperate zone within Venus'
atmosphere. Although the surface of Venus is hellish, with crushing pressures and
searing heat, at an altitude of 50 km (31 miles) the
conditions are much milder, comparable t...
Adobe Photoshop, airships, animation, atmosphere, Blender 3D, blimps, clouds, cl...
Stromatolites on Archaean Earth - V1
Archaean Earth. Illustration of the Earth as it may have been in the Archaean Eon
(3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago) in its early history. At this time there was
considerably more volcanic activity on Earth, its crust was beginning to cool and its
heat f...
Adobe Photoshop, Archaean, Blender 3D, cyanobacteria, early Earth, early life, e...
Stromatolites on Archaean Earth - V2
Archaean Earth. Illustration of the Earth as it may have been in the Archaean Eon
(3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago) in its early history. At this time there was
considerably more volcanic activity on Earth, its crust was beginning to cool and its
heat f...
Adobe Photoshop, Archaean, Blender 3D, cyanobacteria, early Earth, early life, e...
End of 5 total matches