4 matches found for search term
initial conditions, exact phrase.
Big Bang - V8
Big Bang, conceptual image. Computer illustration representing the origin of the
universe. The term Big Bang describes the initial expansion of all the matter in the
universe from an infinitely compact state 13.7 billion years ago. The initial
... ion, glow, heat, high temperature, hot, initial
conditions, light, origin, origi ...
Accelerating Universe
Artwork conceptualising the expanding and accelerating Universe. Since the 1990s,
astronomers have known that the Universe is not only expanding, but that the rate of
expansion itself is accelerating. This is postulated to occur due to a mysterious
... ion, glow, heat, high temperature, hot, initial
conditions, origins, outer-space ...
Psyche - V1
... d arrive at Psyche in 2029. This asteroid is made almost entirely of nickel-iron
metal. It should provide evidence about the initial
conditions in which Earth and the other rocky planets formed. ...
Adobe Photoshop, asteroid, Blender 3D, exploration, mission, NASA, nickel-iron, ...
Psyche - V2
... d arrive at Psyche in 2029. This asteroid is made almost entirely of nickel-iron
metal. It should provide evidence about the initial
conditions in which Earth and the other rocky planets formed. ...
Adobe Photoshop, asteroid, Blender 3D, exploration, mission, NASA, nickel-iron, ...
End of 4 total matches