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29 matches found for search term life, exact phrase. Displaying page 1 of 3:

Alien Life - V8
Artwork of flying or floating alien creatures above the clouds on a massive terrestrial planet. Very massive rocky planets are expected to have such dense atmospheres that life on the ground could be virtually impossible owing to the great pressure o...
Keywords: ... extraterrestrial, habitable, landscape, life, Moon, natural satellite, planet, p ...

Alien Life - V6
Artwork of alien plants, giant fungi and flying creatures on a hospitable foreign world....
Keywords: ... restrial, fungus, habitable, landscape, life, outcrops, planet, planetary system ...

Alien Life Animation - V1
Animation of alien plants, giant fungi and flying creatures on a hospitable foreign world. ...
Keywords: ... extraterrestrial, habitable, landscape, life, moon, natural satellite, outcrops, ...

Ancient Mars - V5
... ude of a few hundred metres. This shows a view over a dried river estuary. There are hints of green, indicative of primitive life - purely speculative, of course. ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, ancient, blue planet, eruption, estuary, landscape, life, Mars,...

Shepherd's Delight - V2
This is an impression of a hypothetical Earth-type planet in the vicinity of Barnard 33, also known as. the Horsehead Nebula because, well, it looks like a horse's head. At least that's what people claim. So what you're seeing here is a cloud of gas ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, exoplanet, extrasolar, habitable, Horsehead, landscape, life, n...

Stromatolites on Archaean Earth - V1
Archaean Earth. Illustration of the Earth as it may have been in the Archaean Eon (3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago) in its early history. At this time there was considerably more volcanic activity on Earth, its crust was beginning to cool and its heat f...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, Archaean, Blender 3D, cyanobacteria, early Earth, early life, e...

Stromatolites on Archaean Earth - V2
Archaean Earth. Illustration of the Earth as it may have been in the Archaean Eon (3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago) in its early history. At this time there was considerably more volcanic activity on Earth, its crust was beginning to cool and its heat f...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, Archaean, Blender 3D, cyanobacteria, early Earth, early life, e...

Life on Ancient Mars - V2
A vision of the planet Mars covered in water in the ancient past, when its atmosphere was thicker and warmer. This shows a view over Valles Marineris, the largest known canyon in the Solar System. There are hints of green, indicative of primitive lif...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, ancient, Blender 3D, blue planet, canyon, Dave Brody, limb, Mag...

Life on Ancient Mars - V3
A vision of the landscape of Mars with water in the ancient past, when its atmosphere was thicker and warmer. This shows a view over a terrain of impact craters flooded by seas. There are hints of green, indicative of primitive life....
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, ancient, Blender 3D, blue planet, canyon, craters, Dave Brody, ...

PNe - V5
Artwork of an imaginary planetary nebula. This is a glowing shell of gas cast off by a star near the end of its life. The star can be seen at the centre of the nebula. The Sun will one day form a planetary nebula, once its internal stock of hydrogen ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, death, exoplanet, extrasolar planet, planetary ne...

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