8 matches found for search term
low-Earth orbit, exact phrase.
Space Junk - V1
Humans have been sending space probes, satellites and general miscellaneous materials
into orbit around our planet since the late 1950s. Most of these remain in orbit even
now, having long served their purpose and been deactivated or else damaged bey...
... s, Earth, junk, Kessler Syndrome, limb, low-Earth
orbit, orbit, satellites ...
Space Junk - V2
Humans have been sending space probes, satellites and general miscellaneous materials
into orbit around our planet since the late 1950s. Most of these remain in orbit even
now, having long served their purpose and been deactivated or else damaged bey...
... , debis, Earth, junk, Kessler Syndrome, low-Earth
orbit, orbit, satellites ...
Space Junk - V3
Humans have been sending space probes, satellites and general miscellaneous materials
into orbit around our planet since the late 1950s. Most of these remain in orbit even
now, having long served their purpose and been deactivated or else damaged bey...
... , debis, Earth, junk, Kessler Syndrome, low-Earth
orbit, orbit, satellites ...
Space Junk - V4
Humans have been sending space probes, satellites and general miscellaneous materials
into orbit around our planet since the late 1950s. Most of these remain in orbit even
now, having long served their purpose and been deactivated or else damaged bey...
... , debis, Earth, junk, Kessler Syndrome, low-Earth
orbit, orbit, satellites ...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - V1
Artwork depicting a design for an orbiting space hotel in low-Earth orbit. The station has a diameter of 220 metres
which, combined with a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of
0.5g. The structure composes a central ring, which c...
Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altitude hotel, RedBub...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - V2
Artwork depicting a design for an orbiting space hotel in low-Earth orbit. The station has a diameter of 220 metres
which, combined with a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of
0.5g. The structure composes a central ring, which c...
Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altitude hotel, RedBub...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - Shot 1
Animation depicting a design for an orbiting space hotel in low-Earth orbit. The station has a diameter of 220 metres
which, combined with a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of
0.5g. The structure composes a central ring, which...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altit...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - Shot 3
Animation depicting a design for an orbiting space hotel in low-Earth orbit. The station has a diameter of 220 metres
which, combined with a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of
0.5g. The structure composes a central ring, which...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altit...
End of 8 total matches