2 matches found for search term
merging, exact phrase.
Andromeda Collision - V2
An artist's impression of the Milky Way galaxy colliding with Andromeda. Our galaxy,
the Milky Way, is moving towards the Andromeda galaxy. Astronomers predict that in
about 4 billion years, the two galaxies will collide and begin to merge. The Solar...
... axy, galaxy evolution, gravity, merger, merging,
milky way, nebulae, perturbatio ...
Gravity Waves From Black Hole Merger
Illustration of two black holes orbiting each other in a combined accretion disc.
Eventually the black holes will merge, an event that will produce gravitational
waves. Gravitational waves are a prediction of Einstein's theory of general
relativity. ...
... onal wave, gravity, gravity wave, ligo, merging,
orbiting, physics, space time, ...
End of 2 total matches