7 matches found for search term
meteorite, exact phrase.
Asteroid Strike - V1
In this cataclysmic scene, a city suffers a near-miss as an asteroid strikes in the
distance. The effect of a large meteorite impact or
meteor airburst over a city would be catastrophic, with extensive damage and loss of
life. Asteroids that are 30 t...
... extinction, impact, landscape, meteor, meteorite ...
Asteroid Strike - V1
In this cataclysmic scene, a city suffers a near-miss as an asteroid strikes in the
distance. The effect of a large meteorite impact or
meteor airburst over a city would be catastrophic, with extensive damage and loss of
life. Asteroids that are 30 t...
... extinction, impact, landscape, meteor, meteorite ...
Asteroid Strike - V2
In this cataclysmic scene, a city suffers a near-miss as an asteroid strikes in the
distance. The effect of a large meteorite impact or
meteor airburst over a city would be catastrophic, with extensive damage and loss of
life. Asteroids that are 30 t...
... extinction, impact, landscape, meteor, meteorite ...
Chicxulub Impact - V9
Asteroid impact. Illustration of a large asteroid colliding with Earth on the Yucatan
Peninsula in Mexico. This impact is believed to have led to the death of the
dinosaurs some 65 million years ago. The impact formed the Chicxulub crater, which is
... ry, K/T event, KT, KT extinction event, meteorite, Mexico, motion action, Paleog ...
Martian Noachian Period
Artwork depicting Mars during its Noachian Period, roughly 4100-3700 million years
ago. The period is characterised by high rates of meteorite impacts, volcanism and possibly abundant surface
water - however, the water is thought to have been localiz...
Adobe Photoshop, ancient, atmosphere, Blender 3D, lakes, Mars, Noachian Period, ...
Mars During Noachian - V1
Artwork depicting Mars during its Noachian Period, roughly 4100-3700 million years
ago. The period is characterised by high rates of meteorite impacts, volcanism and possibly abundant surface
water - however, the water is thought to have been localiz...
Adobe Photoshop, ancient, atmosphere, Blender 3D, lakes, Mars, Noachian Period, ...
Mars During Noachian - V2
Artwork depicting Mars during its Noachian Period, roughly 4100-3700 million years
ago. The period is characterised by high rates of meteorite impacts, volcanism and possibly abundant surface
water - however, the water is thought to have been localiz...
Adobe Photoshop, ancient, atmosphere, Blender 3D, lakes, Mars, Noachian Period, ...
End of 7 total matches