3 matches found for search term
nebulae, exact phrase.
AGB Star
Researchers from the University of Sheffield and Imperial College have discovered and
old, evolved star interloping through a youn star-forming region (centre right).
Astronomers previously thought that evolved stars cannot encounter young stars ad
... s, HII region, Imperial College London, nebulae,
press release, proplyd, protopl ...
Andromeda Collision - V2
An artist's impression of the Milky Way galaxy colliding with Andromeda. Our galaxy,
the Milky Way, is moving towards the Andromeda galaxy. Astronomers predict that in
about 4 billion years, the two galaxies will collide and begin to merge. The Solar...
... n, gravity, merger, merging, milky way, nebulae,
perturbation, RedBubble, stars ...
Nebula Flight
Animation of a flight into a dense cloud of dust within a bright emission nebula.
Emission nebulae glow pink due to ionisation of the
hydrogen gas they contain by the radiation from hot young stars recently born within
them. The densest regions of ga...
animation, Blender 3D, dust, gas, globule, HII region, nebula, starbirth, star f...
End of 3 total matches