Search Results
5 matches found for search term night, exact phrase.

Earth at Night
Stylized illustration depicting the night side of the Earth as seen from space, with the Sun behind it, just peeking over the limb....
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, cities, continents, crescent, eclipse, night, night...

Earth's Magnetism
Stylized digital illustration depicting the magnetic field of the Earth....
Keywords: ... nt, eclipse, magnetic field, magnetism, night, the Earth ...

Neighbours - V12
An impression of the Earth and Moon as seen in space. Cities are seen glowing on the night side....
Keywords: 3DS_Max, Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, atmosphere, continents, craters, crescent p...

Shepherd's Delight - V2
... pe of a Horsehead, superimposed on top of it. Nature speaks in strange ways. The title comes from the expression 'Red sky at night, Shepherd's Delight'. This is a digitally modified version of a painting I did in the 1990s. ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, exoplanet, extrasolar, habitable, Horsehead, landscape, life, n...

Travelling Towards Orion
Animation showing the 3D distribution of the stars in Orion, and how the constellation changes its appearance as we travel towards it. We see the constellation of Orion as just a 2D projection on the night sky, and it is easy to imagine that all the ...
Keywords: Aldebaran, Alnilam, Alnitak, animation, Bellatrix, Betelgeuse, Blender 3D, Canis...

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