2 matches found for search term
north america, exact phrase.
Chicxulub Post Impact - V1
Artwork of the Chicxulub crater, shortly after its formation. This crater was formed
66 million years ago, off the coast of present-day Mexico, following the impact of an
asteroid 10-14 kilometres across. The asteroid is widely believed to have provo...
... c, gravity, impact, K-Pg, Limb, mexico, north
america, ocean, Paleogene, sea, si ...
Chicxulub Post Impact - V2
Artwork of the Chicxulub crater, shortly after its formation. This crater was formed
66 million years ago, off the coast of present-day Mexico, following the impact of an
asteroid 10-14 kilometres across. The asteroid is widely believed to have provo...
... c, gravity, impact, K-Pg, Limb, mexico, north
america, ocean, Paleogene, sea, si ...
End of 2 total matches