13 matches found for search term
nuclear, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 2:
Global Nuclear War - V1
A devastating global nuclear war is one of the more
pessimistic future scenarios for the future history of humanity. Global warming is
already a serious issue, and if nothing is done to curtail it, wars such as this
might result as we squabble over r...
Blender 3D, destruction, Earth, humanity, limb, nuclear, orbit, war, weapons...
Global Nuclear War - V2
A devastating global nuclear war is one of the more
pessimistic future scenarios for the future history of humanity. Global warming is
already a serious issue, and if nothing is done to curtail it, wars such as this
might result as we squabble over r...
Blender 3D, destruction, earth, humanity, limb, nuclear, orbit, war, weapons...
Tunguska 1908
... s of millions of trees over an area of more than 2000 sq km (830 sq miles), was
equivalent to the detonation of a 12 megaton nuclear
explosion - around 800 times the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in August
1945. ...
ablation, Adobe Photoshop, air blast, asteroid, bolide, comet, destruction, Eon_...
O'Neill Colony Interior - V1
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided
by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear
fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in
diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
O'Neill Cylinder Exterior - V1
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided
by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear
fusion (or other future technology). The cylinders here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in
diameter and 36km (20 miles) lo ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
O'Neill Cylinder Exterior - V2
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided
by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear
fusion (or other future technology). The cylinders here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in
diameter and 36km (20 miles) lo ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
O'Neill Cylinder Interior - V1
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided
by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear
fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in
diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
O'Neill Cylinder Interior - V2
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided
by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear
fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in
diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
O'Neill Cylinder Interior - V3
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided
by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear
fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in
diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
O'Neill Cylinder Interior - V4
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided
by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear
fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in
diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
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