Search Results
13 matches found for search term nuclear, exact phrase. Displaying page 1 of 2:

Global Nuclear War - V1
A devastating global nuclear war is one of the more pessimistic future scenarios for the future history of humanity. Global warming is already a serious issue, and if nothing is done to curtail it, wars such as this might result as we squabble over r...
Keywords: Blender 3D, destruction, Earth, humanity, limb, nuclear, orbit, war, weapons...

Global Nuclear War - V2
A devastating global nuclear war is one of the more pessimistic future scenarios for the future history of humanity. Global warming is already a serious issue, and if nothing is done to curtail it, wars such as this might result as we squabble over r...
Keywords: Blender 3D, destruction, earth, humanity, limb, nuclear, orbit, war, weapons...

Tunguska 1908
... s of millions of trees over an area of more than 2000 sq km (830 sq miles), was equivalent to the detonation of a 12 megaton nuclear explosion - around 800 times the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945. ...
Keywords: ablation, Adobe Photoshop, air blast, asteroid, bolide, comet, destruction, Eon_...

O'Neill Colony Interior - V1
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...

O'Neill Cylinder Exterior - V1
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear fusion (or other future technology). The cylinders here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in diameter and 36km (20 miles) lo ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...

O'Neill Cylinder Exterior - V2
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear fusion (or other future technology). The cylinders here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in diameter and 36km (20 miles) lo ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...

O'Neill Cylinder Interior - V1
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...

O'Neill Cylinder Interior - V2
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...

O'Neill Cylinder Interior - V3
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...

O'Neill Cylinder Interior - V4
... side. Instead, here the surface is fully landscaped, with a light source provided by a central, axial light strip powered by nuclear fusion (or other future technology). The cylinder here measures 9.2km (5.6 miles) in diameter and 36km (20 miles) lon ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...

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