5 matches found for search term
rays, exact phrase.
Quasar Merger
From a NOIRLab press release, for which this image was commissioned. The scene
depicts quasars that are poised to merge, after their respective host galaxies have
collided. ...
... ck hole, collision, disc, galaxy, gamma rays,
jet, NOIRLab, nucleus, outflow, pa ...
Abstract Earth
Abstract image of the Earth, with the continents represented by a matrix of dots....
abstract, Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, continents, digital, Earth, glowing, rays...
GRB from NS Collision - V2
From a NOIRLab press releases, for which this image was commissioned: 'Astronomers
studying a powerful gamma-ray burst (GRB) with the Gemini South telescope, operated
by NSF’s NOIRLab, may have detected a never-before-seen way to destroy a star.
... ck hole, collision, disc, galaxy, gamma rays,
GRB, jet, molecular clouds, neutro ...
White Dwarf G29-38 Accreting Debris
Artist's impression of a white dwarf, G29-38, accreting planetary material from a
circumstellar debris disk. When the planetary material hits the white dwarf surface,
a plasma is formed and cools via detectable X-ray emission....
... , University of Warwick, white dwarf, X-rays ...
Dormant Black Hole
Black holes normally reveal themselves in astronomy because they are surrounded by
discs of gas, heated to high temperatures, stolen from nearby stars. The X-rays emitted from these accretion discs give away the
black hole although it cannot itself b...
Adobe Photoshop, animation, astrophysics, black hole, blue giant, distortion, gr...
End of 5 total matches