Search Results
5 matches found for search term rays, exact phrase.

Quasar Merger
From a NOIRLab press release, for which this image was commissioned. The scene depicts quasars that are poised to merge, after their respective host galaxies have collided. ...
Keywords: ... ck hole, collision, disc, galaxy, gamma rays, jet, NOIRLab, nucleus, outflow, pa ...

Abstract Earth
Abstract image of the Earth, with the continents represented by a matrix of dots....
Keywords: abstract, Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, continents, digital, Earth, glowing, rays...

GRB from NS Collision - V2
From a NOIRLab press releases, for which this image was commissioned: 'Astronomers studying a powerful gamma-ray burst (GRB) with the Gemini South telescope, operated by NSF’s NOIRLab, may have detected a never-before-seen way to destroy a star. Un...
Keywords: ... ck hole, collision, disc, galaxy, gamma rays, GRB, jet, molecular clouds, neutro ...

White Dwarf G29-38 Accreting Debris
Artist's impression of a white dwarf, G29-38, accreting planetary material from a circumstellar debris disk. When the planetary material hits the white dwarf surface, a plasma is formed and cools via detectable X-ray emission....
Keywords: ... , University of Warwick, white dwarf, X-rays ...

Dormant Black Hole
Black holes normally reveal themselves in astronomy because they are surrounded by discs of gas, heated to high temperatures, stolen from nearby stars. The X-rays emitted from these accretion discs give away the black hole although it cannot itself b...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, animation, astrophysics, black hole, blue giant, distortion, gr...

End of 5 total matches