56 matches found for search term
the Moon, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 6:
Moon Formation - V3
... s of the event, the debris formed a Saturn-like ring around the Earth. Later
collisions in this ring led to the formation of the
Moon, probably within just a few thousand years. Initially the Earth and Moon
were much closer together than they are now ...
... n, impact, planet, planet Earth, Theia, The Moon
Neighbours - V11
The Earth-Moon system, seen from a vantage point beyond the
Moon. This side of the Moon is never seen
from the Earth, because of synchronous rotation. This means that the Moon rotates on its axis once a month, exactly the
same as its period of revolu...
... th, RedBubble, satellite, solar system, The Moon
Lunar Cave
Digital illustration showing a cave on the Moon,
with the Earth visible from the opening. Caves have been known on the Moon for some time. Some of them are where lava tubes
have collapsed in places, revealing the interior. They would make good places...
... a tube, rille, Solar System, the Earth, the Moon
Lunar Impact
Artwork of a small meteoroid impacting the surface of the
Moon. Impacts are much less common now than billions of years ago; yet they
still occur, because the Moon has no atmosphere to
slow down or destroy incoming missiles....
... ar system, Sun, terrestrial, the Earth, the Moon
Early Earth - V5
Animation of erupting volcanoes, lava flows and storms on the primordial Earth. The Moon is seen in the sky. At this early stage, the Moon was far closer to Earth than it is now. During
the Archaean epoch of the Earth's past, between 2.5-4 billion ye...
... eval, primitive, primordial, the Earth, the
Moon, volcanic, volcanism ...
Earth Then and Now
Illustration conceptualizing the formation of the
Moon. The left side shows a collision between the early Earth and a smaller
rocky protoplanet about the size of modern-day Mars. The right shows the Earth and
Moon today....
... formation, impact, planet Earth, Theia, the Moon
Stanford Torus - V4
... se around 10,000 to 40,000 people. The station would be constructed at the
Earth-Moon L5 Lagrangian point - that is, sharing the
Moon's orbit but being 60 degrees behind it in phase. ...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, Blender 3D, colony, Earth, habitation, hardware, L5,...
Primitive Earth - V3
Animation of erupting volcanoes, lava flows and storms on the primordial Earth. The Moon is seen in the sky through the clouds. At this
early stage, the Moon was far closer to Earth than
it is now. During the Archaean Eon of the Earth's past, between...
... eval, primitive, primordial, the Earth, the
Moon, volcanic, volcanism ...
Stanford Torus Interior - V1
... se around 10,000 to 40,000 people. The station would be constructed at the
Earth-Moon L5 Lagrangian point - that is, sharing the
Moon's orbit but being 60 degrees behind it in phase. I created this in
Blender - it took about 8 weeks. ...
Adobe Photoshop, animation, astronomy, Blender 3D, colony, Earth, Elysium, habit...
Artwork of a synestia. This is a hypothetical torus of molten rock that is believed
to form when two similarly sized rocky bodies collide - one may have arisen when the
Earth was struck by a Mars-sized world called Theia, inside of which the Moon was...
accretion, Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, birth, Blender 3D, collison, Earth, fo...
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