8 matches found for search term
transit, exact phrase.
The white dwarf WD1054-226 exhibits a constant stream of transits by debris and or dust in orbit about it, with an
underlying period of 25.02 hours. Astronomers believe that the material orbits within
the star's habitable zone, where the temperature ...
... g, ring arcs, rocky, star, terrestrial, transit,
University College London, whit ...
ZTF J0923+4236
The white dwarf shown in the illustration is one of several that an international
team of astronomers has been studying. Called ZTF J0923+4236, the star exhibits a
series of dips in its brightness. The team, led by Amornrat Aungwerojwit from
... t, Naresuan, press release, ring, star, transit,
Warwick, white dwarf, ZTF J0923 ...
Orbital Ring - V2
Artwork of an orbital ring around the Earth. This is a structure that completely
encircles the entire planet in a closed loop, composed of inner and outer loops. They
can surround the Earth (or any other planetary body) at any height and
... uturistic, megastructure, orbital ring, transit
Orbital Ring - V3
Artwork of an orbital ring around the Earth. This is a structure that completely
encircles the entire planet in a closed loop, composed of inner and outer loops. They
can surround the Earth (or any other planetary body) at any height and
... uturistic, megastructure, orbital ring, transit
Orbital Ring - V4
Artwork of an orbital ring around the Earth. This is a structure that completely
encircles the entire planet in a closed loop, composed of inner and outer loops. They
can surround the Earth (or any other planetary body) at any height and
... uturistic, megastructure, orbital ring, transit
Orbital Ring - V5
Artwork of an orbital ring around the Earth. This is a structure that completely
encircles the entire planet in a closed loop, composed of inner and outer loops. They
can surround the Earth (or any other planetary body) at any height and
... uturistic, megastructure, orbital ring, transit
Astronauts on Orbital Ring - V2
Artwork of an orbital ring around the Earth. This is a structure that completely
encircles the entire planet in a closed loop, composed of inner and outer loops. They
can surround the Earth (or any other planetary body) at any height and
... uturistic, megastructure, orbital ring, transit
Kepler 444 - V2
... w we stand on the innermost world, its surface largely molten, while the other
planets are seen diagonally from the star (in transit) up to the right corner. ...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, eruption, exoplanet, extrasolar planet, Kepler 444,...
End of 8 total matches