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198 matches found for search term Adobe Photoshop, exact phrase. Displaying page 1 of 20:

Primitive Earth - V3
Animation of erupting volcanoes, lava flows and storms on the primordial Earth. The Moon is seen in the sky through the clouds. At this early stage, the Moon was far closer to Earth than it is now. During the Archaean Eon of the Earth's past, between...
Keywords: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, animation, Blender 3D, eruption, landscape...

AGB Star
Researchers from the University of Sheffield and Imperial College have discovered and old, evolved star interloping through a youn star-forming region (centre right). Astronomers previously thought that evolved stars cannot encounter young stars ad t...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, AGB star, dust, enrichment, gas clouds, HII region, Imperial Co...

PNe - V5
Artwork of an imaginary planetary nebula. This is a glowing shell of gas cast off by a star near the end of its life. The star can be seen at the centre of the nebula. The Sun will one day form a planetary nebula, once its internal stock of hydrogen ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, death, exoplanet, extrasolar planet, planetary ne...

Animation of a futuristic space elevator, linked to an orbital ring. Space elevators present a novel way of getting personal and materials into orbit. Traditionally they are 'cables' tethered to the ground and anchored to a counterweight in geostatio...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, animation, Blender 3D, Earth, hardware, orbital ring, science f...

Artwork of a synestia. This is a hypothetical torus of molten rock that is believed to form when two similarly sized rocky bodies collide - one may have arisen when the Earth was struck by a Mars-sized world called Theia, inside of which the Moon was...
Keywords: accretion, Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, birth, Blender 3D, collison, Earth, fo...

Artwork depicting a so-called micronova. This is an entirely new phenomenon in astrophysics, reported by astronomers at the University of Durham in the UK. They are highly explosive events that occur in a subsclass of cataclysmic binaries called inte...
Keywords: accretion, accretion column, Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, binary, cataclysmic ...

Cosmic Web
A portion of the cosmic web. The various clumps that are already bound at this time will remain so, but clumps that are not mutually bound together will never become so....
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cosmic, galaxies, galaxy cluster, gravitation, gravi...

Lunar Cave
Digital illustration showing a cave on the Moon, with the Earth visible from the opening. Caves have been known on the Moon for some time. Some of them are where lava tubes have collapsed in places, revealing the interior. They would make good places...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, cave, cavern, gibbous, lava tube, rille, Solar Syst...

Osiris-REx is a NASA probe launched in 2016, with a mission to collect samples from the asteroid 101955 Bennu. It rendezvoused in December 2018 and analyzed the asteroid for two years, while deciding upon a suitable site to extract a sample. The prob...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, animation, asteroid, Bennu, Blender 3D, mission, NASA, Osiris-R...

The white dwarf WD1054-226 exhibits a constant stream of transits by debris and or dust in orbit about it, with an underlying period of 25.02 hours. Astronomers believe that the material orbits within the star's habitable zone, where the temperature ...
Keywords: accretion, Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, Blender 3D, debris, dust, exoplanet, h...

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