4 matches found for search term
Big Bang, exact phrase.
Big Bang to Present - V3
Stages in the history of the Universe after the Big
Bang. At 300,000 years, matter and radiation decouple, and the Universe
becomes transparent for the first time. The first galaxies form at around 300 million
years after the Big Bang, but the exact ...
3DS_Max, acceleration, Adobe Photoshop, Big Bang,
birth, cosmos, expansion, expl...
Big Bang to Present - V2a
Stages in the history of the Universe after the Big
Bang. At 300,000 years, matter and radiation decouple, and the Universe
becomes transparent for the first time. The first galaxies form at around 300 million
years after the Big Bang, but the exact ...
3DS_Max, acceleration, Adobe Photoshop, Big Bang,
birth, cosmos, expansion, expl...
Big Bang to Present - V2b
Stages in the history of the Universe after the Big
Bang. At 300,000 years, matter and radiation decouple, and the Universe
becomes transparent for the first time. The first galaxies form at around 300 million
years after the Big Bang, but the exact ...
3DS_Max, acceleration, Adobe Photoshop, Big Bang,
birth, cosmos, expansion, expl...
Accelerating Universe
Artwork conceptualising the expanding and accelerating Universe. Since the 1990s,
astronomers have known that the Universe is not only expanding, but that the rate of
expansion itself is accelerating. This is postulated to occur due to a mysterious
Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, beginning, beginnings, big
bang, bright, concepts...
End of 4 total matches