6 matches found for search term
Earth-like, exact phrase.
Ice Planet - V1
Astronomers from Oxford University in the UK have observed this rocky exoplanet
covered in an ocean od water with substantial prozen deposits of carbon dioxide. The
planet orbits a cool red dwarf....
Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, Blender 3D, Earth-like, exoplanet, ice planet, oc...
Ice Planet - V2
Astronomers from Oxford University in the UK have observed this rocky exoplanet
covered in an ocean od water with substantial prozen deposits of carbon dioxide. The
planet orbits a cool red dwarf....
Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, Blender 3D, Earth-like, exoplanet, ice planet, oc...
Eyeball Planet Hot - V1
When a planet is in a sufficiently close orbit around its parent star, the planet can
become tidally 'locked', so that it always presents the same face to its star. The
Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, for example. Astronomers have discovered an ...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, Blender 3D, Earth-like,
exoplanet, extrasolar planet...
Eyeball Planet Hot - V2
When a planet is in a sufficiently close orbit around its parent star, the planet can
become tidally 'locked', so that it always presents the same face to its star. The
Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, for example. Astronomers have discovered an ...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, Blender 3D, Earth-like,
exoplanet, extrasolar planet...
Eyeball Planet Cold - V1
When a planet is in a sufficiently close orbit around its parent star, the planet can
become tidally 'locked', so that it always presents the same face to its star. The
Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, for example. Astronomers have discovered an ...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, Blender 3D, cold, Earth-like, exoplanet, extrasolar ...
Eyeball Planet Cold - V2
When a planet is in a sufficiently close orbit around its parent star, the planet can
become tidally 'locked', so that it always presents the same face to its star. The
Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, for example. Astronomers have discovered an ...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, Blender 3D, cold, Earth-like, exoplanet, extrasolar ...
End of 6 total matches