6 matches found for search term
NOIRLab, exact phrase.
Ultra-Cool Dwarf Binary
Illustration of an ultra-cool dwarf star with a companion white dwarf. Ace citizen
scientist Frank Kiwy used the Astro Data Lab science platform at the National Science
Foundation's NOIRLab to discover 34 new ultra-cool
dwarf binary systems in the Su...
Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, binary star, Blender 3D, brown dwarf, NOIRLab, pr...
GRB from NS Collision - V2
From a NOIRLab press releases, for which this image
was commissioned: 'Astronomers studying a powerful gamma-ray burst (GRB) with the
Gemini South telescope, operated by NSF’s NOIRLab,
may have detected a never-before-seen way to destroy a star. Un...
... B, jet, molecular clouds, neutron star, NOIRLab,
nucleus, outflow, particle, pow ...
Red Giant Destroying Planet - V2
Astronomers at NOIRLab (Tucson, Arizona, USA) have
detected what they believe is the first sighting of the destruction of a gas giant
planet caused by the expansion of its ageing red giant star. All sun-like stars
expand as their nuclear fuel runs ou...
Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, destruction, engulfed, gas giant, NOIRLab, planet...
Quasar Merger
From a NOIRLab press release, for which this image
was commissioned. The scene depicts quasars that are poised to merge, after their
respective host galaxies have collided. ...
... llision, disc, galaxy, gamma rays, jet, NOIRLab,
nucleus, outflow, particle, pow ...
Fast Blue Optical Transient - V1
... ound in intergalactic space, not within a galaxy. Two nearby galaxies are shown.
The image was commissioned by scientists at NOIRLab
in Tucson. ...
... agalactic, fast blue optical transient, NOIRLab,
press release, supernova ...
Fast Blue Optical Transient - V2
... ound in intergalactic space, not within a galaxy. Two nearby galaxies are shown.
The image was commissioned by scientists at NOIRLab
in Tucson. ...
... agalactic, fast blue optical transient, NOIRLab,
press release, supernova ...
End of 6 total matches