6 matches found for search term
Warwick University, exact phrase.
Planet Collision
Astronomers from the University of Warwick and Leiden Observatory have observed an
even which they believe is the first of its kind detected - the aftermath of a
collision between two planets. The collision caused the two bodies to merge into a
... , press release, rocky, star, synestia, Warwick
University ...
Sandwiched Planets
Researchers from the University of Warwick commissioned this illustration to support
their press release about small planets forming via a new mechanism. Observations
show that protoplanetary discs - pancakes of gas that surround new stars, inside
... , protoplanetary disc, sandwich planet, Warwick
University ...
Sandwiched Planets - Portrait
Researchers from the University of Warwick commissioned this illustration to support
their press release about small planets forming via a new mechanism. Observations
show that protoplanetary discs - pancakes of gas that surround new stars, inside
... , protoplanetary disc, sandwich planet, Warwick
University ...
White Dwarfs Accreting Debris
Astronomers from the University of Warwick, UK, have observed a pair of old white
dwarf stars, both of which have had their atmospheres polluted by infalling planetary
material. The two stars do not orbit each others and are not related. One is a coo...
... on, press release, spectroscopy, stars, Warwick
University, white dwarf ...
Sandwiched Planets - Landscape
Researchers from the University of Warwick commissioned this illustration to support
their press release about small planets forming via a new mechanism. Observations
show that protoplanetary discs - pancakes of gas that surround new stars, inside
... , protoplanetary disc, sandwich planet, Warwick
University ...
ZTF J0923+4236
... ps in its brightness. The team, led by Amornrat Aungwerojwit from Naresuan
University, Thailand, and Boris T. Gänsicke from Warwick
University, UK, has attributed these changes in brightness to clumps of dusty
and rocky material that are bound to th ...
Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, Blender 3D, debris, disintegration, dust, exoplan...
End of 6 total matches