52 matches found for search term
animation, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 6:
Alien Life Animation - V1
Animation of alien plants, giant fungi and flying
creatures on a hospitable foreign world. ...
Adobe Photoshop, alien plants, animation, astronomy,
atmosphere, Blender 3D, exo...
Animation of a futuristic space elevator, linked to
an orbital ring. Space elevators present a novel way of getting personal and
materials into orbit. Traditionally they are 'cables' tethered to the ground and
anchored to a counterweight in geostatio...
Adobe Photoshop, animation, Blender 3D, Earth,
hardware, orbital ring, science f...
Nebula Flight
Animation of a flight into a dense cloud of dust
within a bright emission nebula. Emission nebulae glow pink due to ionisation of the
hydrogen gas they contain by the radiation from hot young stars recently born within
them. The densest regions of ga...
animation, Blender 3D, dust, gas, globule, HII
region, nebula, starbirth, star f...
Space Elevator
This is an animation of a space elevator - a type of
transportation system designed to move payloads from the Earth's surface into orbit.
The idea was proposed in 1885 by Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. A cable
extends from a base station a...
animation, Blender 3D, elevator, engineering, LEO,
lift, machine, orbit, payload...
Asteroid Mining
... ystem. A future technology might be able to identify suitable asteroid targets,
and then mine them for their resources. This animation shows a futuristic mining colony on a small
asteroid around a kilometre in diameter - even a body this size could c ...
animation, asteroid, Blender 3D, future, machinery,
minerals, mining, ore, Solar...
Starship at Mars
Animation of Elon Musk's Starship, produced by his
company SpaceX, approaching Mars. Musk aims to land humans safely on Mars and wishes
to colonise the planet....
animation, Blender 3D, craters, launch vehicle,
Limb, Mars, orbit, space mission...
Weighing Planets
Animation showing how the planet Jupiter out-masses
all of the other planets in the Solar System combined....
Adobe Photoshop, animation, Blender 3D, comparison,
Earth, Jupiter, Mars, mass, ...
Orbital Ring - V1
Animation of an orbital ring around the Earth. At
its most basic, an orbital ring is a cable encircling the planet at any altitude,
spinning just faster that orbital velocity to hold it taught. Currents circulating in
this ring turn it into an electr...
Adobe Photoshop, animation, Blender 3D, Earth,
futurism, hardware, launch system...
Wormhole Mouth - V1
Conceptual animation of the opening to a wormhole
moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical
'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the theory of general relativity. In
principle, a wormhole connects two regions i...
Adobe After Effects, advanced, animation, black
hole, Blender 3D, bridge, concep...
Wormhole Mouth - V2
Conceptual animation of the opening to a wormhole
moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical
'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the theory of general relativity. In
principle, a wormhole connects two regions i...
Adobe After Effects, advanced, animation, black
hole, Blender 3D, bridge, concep...
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