5 matches found for search term
city, exact phrase.
Asteroid Strike - V1
In this cataclysmic scene, a city suffers a
near-miss as an asteroid strikes in the distance. The effect of a large meteorite
impact or meteor airburst over a city would be
catastrophic, with extensive damage and loss of life. Asteroids that are 30 t...
... der 3D, bolide, building, catastrophic, city,
collision, danger, destruction, en ...
Asteroid Strike - V1
In this cataclysmic scene, a city suffers a
near-miss as an asteroid strikes in the distance. The effect of a large meteorite
impact or meteor airburst over a city would be
catastrophic, with extensive damage and loss of life. Asteroids that are 30 t...
... der 3D, bolide, building, catastrophic, city,
collision, danger, destruction, en ...
Asteroid Strike - V2
In this cataclysmic scene, a city suffers a
near-miss as an asteroid strikes in the distance. The effect of a large meteorite
impact or meteor airburst over a city would be
catastrophic, with extensive damage and loss of life. Asteroids that are 30 t...
... der 3D, bolide, building, catastrophic, city,
collision, danger, destruction, en ...
Space Elevator Ground Station - V1
Animation of a futuristic space elevator, linked to an orbital ring. An orbital ring
is a magnetic structure or cable that encircles the Earth, and can be placed at any
orientation and altitude. It moves slightly faster than orbital velocity, so that...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, city, conceptual,
engineering, future, ground stati...
Space Elevator Ground Station - V2
Animation of a futuristic space elevator, linked to an orbital ring. An orbital ring
is a magnetic structure or cable that encircles the Earth, and can be placed at any
orientation and altitude. It moves slightly faster than orbital velocity, so that...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, city, conceptual,
engineering, future, ground stati...
End of 5 total matches