3 matches found for search term
cluster, exact phrase.
Galaxy Cluster
Artwork depicting a cluster of galaxies. Many of
them are active - with superluminal jets emerging from their cores, likely powered by
black holes....
active galactic nucleus, active galaxy, Adobe Photoshop, AGN, black hole, cluste...
Gravitational Lensing
A dense cluster of galaxies (top left) acts as a
gravitational lens, distorting and curving the images of galaxies far behind it....
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cluster, cosmos,
galaxies, galaxy cluster, gravitati...
Cosmic Web
A portion of the cosmic web. The various clumps that are already bound at this time
will remain so, but clumps that are not mutually bound together will never become
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cosmic, galaxies, galaxy cluster, gravitation, gravi...
End of 3 total matches