13 matches found for search term
cosmos, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 2:
Wormhole Mouth - V1
... regions in space as well as time. An object entering the wormhole at one end
might emerge in a very different region of the cosmos, an arbitrary distance from the start point and/or
at a totally different time. As such, wormholes seem to permit fast ...
... lender 3D, bridge, concept, conceptual, cosmos,
dilation, Einstein, Einstein-Ros ...
Wormhole Mouth - V1
... regions in space as well as time. An object entering the wormhole at one end
might emerge in a very different region of the cosmos, an arbitrary distance from the start point and/or
at a totally different time. As such, wormholes seem to permit fast ...
... bridge, concept, conceptual, cosmology, cosmos,
dilation, Einstein, Einstein-Ros ...
Wormhole Mouth - V2
... regions in space as well as time. An object entering the wormhole at one end
might emerge in a very different region of the cosmos, an arbitrary distance from the start point and/or
at a totally different time. As such, wormholes seem to permit fast ...
... lender 3D, bridge, concept, conceptual, cosmos,
dilation, Einstein, Einstein-Ros ...
Wormhole Mouth - V2
... regions in space as well as time. An object entering the wormhole at one end
might emerge in a very different region of the cosmos, an arbitrary distance from the start point and/or
at a totally different time. As such, wormholes seem to permit fast ...
... bridge, concept, conceptual, cosmology, cosmos,
dilation, Einstein, Einstein-Ros ...
Black Hole - V12
Artwork of a black hole seen from an orbiting planet. A black hole is a region of
spacetime where the gravity is so powerful that not even light can escape them. They
are created when massive stars die. This one is surrounded by an accretion disc of
accretion, Adobe Photoshop, black hole, Blender 3D, cosmology, cosmos, disc, dis...
Black Hole - V13
Artwork of a black hole seen from an orbiting planet. A black hole is a region of
spacetime where the gravity is so powerful that not even light can escape them. They
are created when massive stars die. This one is surrounded by an accretion disc of
accretion, Adobe Photoshop, black hole, Blender 3D, cosmology, cosmos, disc, dis...
Gravitational Lensing
A dense cluster of galaxies (top left) acts as a gravitational lens, distorting and
curving the images of galaxies far behind it....
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cluster, cosmos,
galaxies, galaxy cluster, gravitati...
Andromeda Collision - V2
An artist's impression of the Milky Way galaxy colliding with Andromeda. Our galaxy,
the Milky Way, is moving towards the Andromeda galaxy. Astronomers predict that in
about 4 billion years, the two galaxies will collide and begin to merge. The Solar...
Adobe Photoshop, andromeda, astronomy, collision, cosmos, future, galaxy, galaxy...
Big Bang to Present - V3
Stages in the history of the Universe after the Big Bang. At 300,000 years, matter
and radiation decouple, and the Universe becomes transparent for the first time. The
first galaxies form at around 300 million years after the Big Bang, but the exact ...
3DS_Max, acceleration, Adobe Photoshop, Big Bang, birth, cosmos, expansion, expl...
Big Bang to Present - V2a
Stages in the history of the Universe after the Big Bang. At 300,000 years, matter
and radiation decouple, and the Universe becomes transparent for the first time. The
first galaxies form at around 300 million years after the Big Bang, but the exact ...
3DS_Max, acceleration, Adobe Photoshop, Big Bang, birth, cosmos, expansion, expl...
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