Search Results
53 matches found for search term gravity, exact phrase. Displaying page 1 of 6:

Zero Gravity
Digital artwork whimsically portraying the Earth in the absence of gravity. Or perhaps the objects have been subject to an anti-gravity 'weapon'....
Keywords: absence, Adobe Photoshop, anti-gravity, Blender 3D, cars, concept, floating, no ...

Gravity Waves From Black Hole Merger
... vent that will produce gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are a prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Gravity is the distortion of spacetime by mass, and changes in this distortion travel in waves at the speed of light. The eff ...
Keywords: ... general relativity, gravitational wave, gravity, gravity wave, ligo, merging, or ...

Gravity Waves from Colliding White Dwarfs
Two white dwarfs are approaching each other on an inbound spiral that can only result in destrucion, sending gravitational waves deep into the cosmos. They will soon collide to form a Type 1a supernova....
Keywords: ... gravitational pull, gravitational wave, gravity, gravity waves, neutron star, re ...

Gravity's Lens - V2
A black hole is an object so compact - usually a collapsed star - that nothing can escape its gravitational pull. Not even light. On Earth an object needs to be launched with a speed of 11 km/s if it is to escape the planet's gravity and go into orbi...
Keywords: ... e, Blender 3D, Einstein, gravitational, gravity, lens, Relativity, swirl, warp, ...

Black Hole - V12
Artwork of a black hole seen from an orbiting planet. A black hole is a region of spacetime where the gravity is so powerful that not even light can escape them. They are created when massive stars die. This one is surrounded by an accretion disc of ...
Keywords: ... ogy, cosmos, disc, disk, gravitational, gravity, planet, relativity, spacetime, ...

Black Hole - V13
Artwork of a black hole seen from an orbiting planet. A black hole is a region of spacetime where the gravity is so powerful that not even light can escape them. They are created when massive stars die. This one is surrounded by an accretion disc of ...
Keywords: ... ogy, cosmos, disc, disk, gravitational, gravity, planet, relativity, spacetime, ...

Black Hole - V14
Artwork of a black hole seen from an orbiting planet. A black hole is a region of spacetime where the gravity is so powerful that not even light can escape them. They are created when massive stars die. This one is surrounded by an accretion disc of ...
Keywords: ... ogy, cosmos, disc, disk, gravitational, gravity, planet, relativity, spacetime, ...

Chicxulub Post Impact - V1
... ometres in diameter. Since its formation it has been buried in silt and covered by the sea, and is now only detectable using gravity measurements of the immediate area. ...
Keywords: ... s, Earth, extinct, extinction, graphic, gravity, impact, K-Pg, Limb, mexico, nor ...

Chicxulub Post Impact - V2
... ometres in diameter. Since its formation it has been buried in silt and covered by the sea, and is now only detectable using gravity measurements of the immediate area. ...
Keywords: ... s, Earth, extinct, extinction, graphic, gravity, impact, K-Pg, Limb, mexico, nor ...

Orbital Hotel Kerberos - V1
Artwork depicting a design for an orbiting space hotel in low-Earth orbit. The station has a diameter of 220 metres which, combined with a spin rate of two turns per minute, gives a spin gravity of 0.5g. The structure composes a central ring, which c...
Keywords: ... i fi, space hardware, space hotel, spin gravity, spinning, technology ...

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