20 matches found for search term
habitat, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 2:
Exploration of Venus
Artwork showing blimps and a habitat in the
temperate zone within Venus' atmosphere. Although the surface of Venus is hellish,
with crushing pressures and searing heat, at an altitude of 50 km (31 miles) the
conditions are much milder, comparable to ...
... limps, clouds, cloudscape, exploration, habitat,
Solar System, space-craft, spac ...
Exploration of Venus
Animation showing blimps and a habitat in the
temperate zone within Venus' atmosphere. Although the surface of Venus is hellish,
with crushing pressures and searing heat, at an altitude of 50 km (31 miles) the
conditions are much milder, comparable t...
... limps, clouds, cloudscape, exploration, habitat,
Solar System, space-craft, spac ...
O'Neill Colony Comp YT
This animation shows the base station of one such elevator. The vertical 'sky trains'
each have twenty individual 'carriages' which in turn each have three levels. Moving
at 150 km per hour they could reach the ring in as little as two hours....
... , O'Neill Cylinder, space colony, space habitat
Space Hotel Interior - V1
Might this be the future of tourism? Far above the Earth - or indeed, anywhere in the
Solar System - an orbiting hotel could be a recreation place for citizens looking to
get away from it all. ...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altit...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - V1
Artwork depicting a design for an orbiting space hotel in low-Earth orbit. The
station has a diameter of 220 metres which, combined with a spin rate of two turns
per minute, gives a spin gravity of 0.5g. The structure composes a central ring,
which c...
Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altitude hotel, RedBub...
Orbital Hotel Kerberos - V2
Artwork depicting a design for an orbiting space hotel in low-Earth orbit. The
station has a diameter of 220 metres which, combined with a spin rate of two turns
per minute, gives a spin gravity of 0.5g. The structure composes a central ring,
which c...
Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altitude hotel, RedBub...
O'Neill Colony Interior - V1
This is an animation depicting the interior of a type of large-scale space colony
called an O'Neill Cylinder, made popular by American Physicist Gerard K. O'Neill in
his book The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space (1976). The interpretation in
... , O'Neill Cylinder, space colony, space habitat
O'Neill Colony Interior - V2
This is an animation depicting a type of large-scale space colony called an O'Neill
Cylinder, made popular by American Physicist Gerard K. O'Neill in his book The High
Frontier: Human Colonies in Space (1976). Two cylinder are needed to act as a gyro...
... , O'Neill Cylinder, space colony, space habitat
O'Neill Colony Interior - V3
This is an animation depicting a type of large-scale space colony called an O'Neill
Cylinder, made popular by American Physicist Gerard K. O'Neill in his book The High
Frontier: Human Colonies in Space (1976). Two cylinder are needed to act as a gyro...
... , O'Neill Cylinder, space colony, space habitat
Stanford Torus Interior - V1
Animation of a flight through a Stanford Torus. This is a design for a space station
proposed by NASA in 1975 at Stanford University. It consists of a torus with a radius
of 1800km and a cross-sectional radius of 130m for the habitable section. The r...
Adobe Photoshop, animation, astronomy, Blender 3D, colony, Earth, Elysium, habit...
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