21 matches found for search term
interior, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 3:
Evolution of Mars - V1
Illustration showing the evolution of the interior
of the planet Mars. At the start of the sequence (left) Mars has a silicate magma
ocean (orange) and metallic core (yellow). The second panel shows the core has
evolved into a solid inner core and a ...
... cut away, cutaway, division, evolution, interior, mantle evolution, Mars, meltin ...
Evolution of Mars - V2
Illustration showing the evolution of the interior
of the planet Mars. At the start of the sequence (left) Mars has a silicate magma
ocean (orange) and metallic core (yellow). The second panel shows the core has
evolved into a solid inner core and a ...
... cut away, cutaway, division, evolution, interior, mantle evolution, Mars, meltin ...
Evolution of Mars - V3
Illustration showing the evolution of the interior
of the planet Mars. At the start of the sequence (left) Mars has a silicate magma
ocean (orange) and metallic core (yellow). The second panel shows the core has
evolved into a solid inner core and a ...
... cut away, cutaway, division, evolution, interior, mantle evolution, Mars, meltin ...
O'Neill Colony Interior - V1
This is an animation depicting the interior of a
type of large-scale space colony called an O'Neill Cylinder, made popular by American
Physicist Gerard K. O'Neill in his book The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space
(1976). The interpretation in th...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
O'Neill Colony Interior - V2
... tificial 1g of artificial gravity by means of centripetal force. The video shows
the structure from space, then we enter the interior
and fly along the central axis. ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
O'Neill Colony Interior - V3
... tificial 1g of artificial gravity by means of centripetal force. The video shows
the structure from space, then we enter the interior
and fly along the central axis. ...
Adobe Photoshop, artificial gravity, Blender 3D, centripetal force, colony, engi...
Stanford Torus Interior - V1
Artwork of the interior of a Stanford Torus. This is
a design for a space station proposed by NASA in 1975 at Stanford University. It
consists of a torus with a diameter of 1800m and a cross-sectional diameter of 130m
for the habitable section. The r...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, Blender 3D, colony, Earth, habitation, habitats, har...
Stanford Torus Interior - V2
Artwork of the interior of a Stanford Torus. This is
a design for a space station proposed by NASA in 1975 at Stanford University. It
consists of a torus with a diameter of 1800m and a cross-sectional diameter of 130m
for the habitable section. The r...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, Blender 3D, colony, Earth, habitation, habitats, har...
Stanford Torus Interior - V3
Artwork of the interior of a Stanford Torus. This is
a design for a space station proposed by NASA in 1975 at Stanford University. It
consists of a torus with a diameter of 1800m and a cross-sectional diameter of 130m
for the habitable section. The r...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, Blender 3D, colony, Earth, habitation, habitats, har...
Space Hotel Interior - V1
Might this be the future of tourism? Far above the Earth - or indeed, anywhere in the
Solar System - an orbiting hotel could be a recreation place for citizens looking to
get away from it all. ...
Adobe Photoshop, Blender 3D, conceptual, engineering, future, habitat, low-altit...
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