Search Results
10 matches found for search term nebula, exact phrase.

Nebula Flight
Animation of a flight into a dense cloud of dust within a bright emission nebula. Emission nebulae glow pink due to ionisation of the hydrogen gas they contain by the radiation from hot young stars recently born within them. The densest regions of ga...
Keywords: animation, Blender 3D, dust, gas, globule, HII region, nebula, starbirth, star f...

Travelling Towards Orion
Animation showing the 3D distribution of the stars in Orion, and how the constellation changes its appearance as we travel towards it. We see the constellation of Orion as just a 2D projection on the night sky, and it is easy to imagine that all the ...
Keywords: ... ance, horizontal, M42, Meissa, Mintaka, nebula, Orion, Orion nebula, Rigel, Saip ...

PNe - V5
Artwork of an imaginary planetary nebula. This is a glowing shell of gas cast off by a star near the end of its life. The star can be seen at the centre of the nebula. The Sun will one day form a planetary nebula, once its internal stock of hydrogen ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, death, exoplanet, extrasolar planet, planetary ne...

Shepherd's Delight - V2
This is an impression of a hypothetical Earth-type planet in the vicinity of Barnard 33, also known as. the Horsehead Nebula because, well, it looks like a horse's head. At least that's what people claim. So what you're seeing here is a cloud of gas ...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, exoplanet, extrasolar, habitable, Horsehead, landscape, life, n...

Scale of the Universe - V2
... icles, atoms, molecules such as DNA, and bacteria. The scale expands further: from a human to the Earth itself to the Sun, a nebula, some galaxies and on to the whole Universe. In the middle is our familiar human scale (silhouetted human figure). The ...
Keywords: ... imension, DNA, galaxy, homo, limb, man, nebula, particle, physics, planet Earth, ...

Active Galactic Nucleus - V3
Artwork of an active galactic nucleus, or AGN. Many, perhaps most large galaxies, are thought to harbour supermassive black holes in their central regions. These enormous gravitational powerhouses can weigh anything from a few hundred thousand to sev...
Keywords: ... particle, power, quasar, Seyfert, solar nebula, star, sun, T Tauri, YSO ...

Wormhole Mouth - V1
Conceptual representation of the opening to a wormhole moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical 'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the theory of general relativity. In principle, a wormhole connects two regi...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, advanced, black hole, Blender 3D, bridge, concept, conceptual, ...

Wormhole Mouth - V1
Conceptual animation of the opening to a wormhole moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical 'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the theory of general relativity. In principle, a wormhole connects two regions i...
Keywords: Adobe After Effects, advanced, animation, black hole, Blender 3D, bridge, concep...

Wormhole Mouth - V2
Conceptual representation of the opening to a wormhole moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical 'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the theory of general relativity. In principle, a wormhole connects two regi...
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, advanced, black hole, Blender 3D, bridge, concept, conceptual, ...

Wormhole Mouth - V2
Conceptual animation of the opening to a wormhole moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical 'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the theory of general relativity. In principle, a wormhole connects two regions i...
Keywords: Adobe After Effects, advanced, animation, black hole, Blender 3D, bridge, concep...

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