8 matches found for search term
radiation, exact phrase.
Quasar Merger
From a NOIRLab press release, for which this image was commissioned. The scene
depicts quasars that are poised to merge, after their respective host galaxies have
collided. ...
... article, power, press release, protons, radiation ...
Magnetosphere - V6
Earth's magnetosphere. Computer artwork showing the interaction of the solar wind
with Earth's magnetic field (not to scale). The solar wind is made up of charged
particles emitted by the Sun (right). The Earth's magnetic field deflects these
... net, planet Earth, polar cusp, protect, radiation, shielding, solar system, sola ...
GRB from NS Collision - V2
From a NOIRLab press releases, for which this image was commissioned: 'Astronomers
studying a powerful gamma-ray burst (GRB) with the Gemini South telescope, operated
by NSF’s NOIRLab, may have detected a never-before-seen way to destroy a star.
... article, power, press release, protons, radiation ...
Big Bang - V8
... ever since. Matter formed and coalesced into the galaxies, which are observed to
be moving away from each other. Background radiation
in the universe is considered a remnant of the Big Bang. ...
Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, astrophysics, beginning, beginnings, Big Bang, brigh...
Nebula Flight
Animation of a flight into a dense cloud of dust within a bright emission nebula.
Emission nebulae glow pink due to ionisation of the hydrogen gas they contain by the
radiation from hot young stars recently born within
them. The densest regions of ga...
animation, Blender 3D, dust, gas, globule, HII region, nebula, starbirth, star f...
Big Bang to Present - V3
Stages in the history of the Universe after the Big Bang. At 300,000 years, matter
and radiation decouple, and the Universe becomes
transparent for the first time. The first galaxies form at around 300 million years
after the Big Bang, but the exact ...
3DS_Max, acceleration, Adobe Photoshop, Big Bang, birth, cosmos, expansion, expl...
Big Bang to Present - V2a
Stages in the history of the Universe after the Big Bang. At 300,000 years, matter
and radiation decouple, and the Universe becomes
transparent for the first time. The first galaxies form at around 300 million years
after the Big Bang, but the exact ...
3DS_Max, acceleration, Adobe Photoshop, Big Bang, birth, cosmos, expansion, expl...
Big Bang to Present - V2b
Stages in the history of the Universe after the Big Bang. At 300,000 years, matter
and radiation decouple, and the Universe becomes
transparent for the first time. The first galaxies form at around 300 million years
after the Big Bang, but the exact ...
3DS_Max, acceleration, Adobe Photoshop, Big Bang, birth, cosmos, expansion, expl...
End of 8 total matches