37 matches found for search term
redbubble, any word.
Displaying page 1 of 4:
PNe - V5
Artwork of an imaginary planetary nebula. This is a glowing shell of gas cast off by
a star near the end of its life. The star can be seen at the centre of the nebula.
The Sun will one day form a planetary nebula, once its internal stock of hydrogen ...
... t, extrasolar planet, planetary nebula, RedBubble, star, stellar evolution, whit ...
Artwork depicting a so-called micronova. This is an entirely new phenomenon in
astrophysics, reported by astronomers at the University of Durham in the UK. They are
highly explosive events that occur in a subsclass of cataclysmic binaries called
... ediate polar, micronova, press release, RedBubble, red dwarf, stars, University ...
Cosmic Web
A portion of the cosmic web. The various clumps that are already bound at this time
will remain so, but clumps that are not mutually bound together will never become
... tation, gravity, large-scale structure, RedBubble, superclusters, voids, web ...
Arrival - V1
The future. Spaceships from Earth arrive at a pristine world, intent on colonisation.
The ships have spinning sections to provide artificial gravity to those on board not
in hypersleep. Could this be the future of humanity?...
Blender 3D, colonisation, colony, exoplanet, extrasolar, future, planet, RedBubb...
Arrival - V2
The future. Spaceships from Earth arrive at a pristine world, intent on colonisation.
The ships have spinning sections to provide artificial gravity to those on board not
in hypersleep. Could this be the future of humanity?...
Blender 3D, colonisation, colony, exoplanet, extrasolar, future, planet, RedBubb...
Alien Life - V6
Artwork of alien plants, giant fungi and flying creatures on a hospitable foreign
... fe, outcrops, planet, planetary system, RedBubble, rocky, sci-fi, science fictio ...
Man on Mars - V4
Artwork of astronauts on the Red Planet, Mars, some time in the future....
... mission, Mars, Mars satellite, Martian, RedBubble, rocket, science fiction, sett ...
Neighbours - V11
The Earth-Moon system, seen from a vantage point beyond the Moon. This side of the
Moon is never seen from the Earth, because of synchronous rotation. This means that
the Moon rotates on its axis once a month, exactly the same as its period of
... hase, limb, lunar, orbit, planet Earth, RedBubble, satellite, solar system, The ...
Neighbours - V12
An impression of the Earth and Moon as seen in space. Cities are seen glowing on the
night side....
... h, farside, lunar, orbit, planet Earth, RedBubble, satellite, solar system, The ...
Ancient Mars - V5
A vision of the landscape of Mars with water in the ancient past, when its atmosphere
was thicker and warmer, seen from an altitude of a few hundred metres. This shows a
view over a dried river estuary. There are hints of green, indicative of primiti...
... landscape, life, Mars, oceans, planet, RedBubble, river, seas, volcano, water ...
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