36 matches found for search term
stars, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 4:
Travelling Towards Orion
Animation showing the 3D distribution of the stars
in Orion, and how the constellation changes its appearance as we travel towards it.
We see the constellation of Orion as just a 2D projection on the night sky, and it is
easy to imagine that all the ...
... ebula, Rigel, Saiph, schematic, Sirius, stars,
Taurus ...
AGB Star
Researchers from the University of Sheffield and Imperial College have discovered and
old, evolved star interloping through a youn star-forming region (centre right).
Astronomers previously thought that evolved stars
cannot encounter young stars ad t...
... , protoplantetary disc, star formation, stars,
University of Sheffield ...
White Dwarfs Accreting Debris
Astronomers from the University of Warwick, UK, have observed a pair of old white
dwarf stars, both of which have had their
atmospheres polluted by infalling planetary material. The two stars do not orbit each others and are not related. One is
a coo...
... pollution, press release, spectroscopy, stars,
Warwick University, white dwarf ...
Stolen Exoplanet
Scientists at Sheffield University, UK, used computational N-body simulations of
star-forming regions to show that the 'BEAST' planetary systems - planets orbiting
massive stars - can form from the capture of a
free-floating planet, or the direct the...
... t, press release, Sheffield University, stars
Galaxy Tidal Streams - V1
Artwork of a galaxy surrounded by stellar streams. Streams are elongated, looping
structures made from stars and gas. They result when
a smaller galaxy passes a more massive one and becomes torn apart by tidal forces....
... xy, high velocity, interaction, spiral, stars,
stream, tidal, tides ...
Galaxy Tidal Streams - V2
Artwork of a galaxy surrounded by stellar streams. Streams are elongated, looping
structures made from stars and gas. They result when
a smaller galaxy passes a more massive one and becomes torn apart by tidal forces....
... xy, high velocity, interaction, spiral, stars,
stream, tidal, tides ...
Artwork depicting a so-called micronova. This is an entirely new phenomenon in
astrophysics, reported by astronomers at the University of Durham in the UK. They are
highly explosive events that occur in a subsclass of cataclysmic binaries called
... a, press release, RedBubble, red dwarf, stars,
University of Durham, white dwarf ...
Dyson Swarm - V1
To harness much more of the Sun's abundant power, our descendants have encased the
star in a cage of billions of moving parts - a Dyson swarm. This energy can then be
transmitted to wherever it is needed in the Solar System....
... e, science, science fiction, sf, solar, stars,
stellar, structure, sun, technolo ...
Dyson Swarm - V2
To harness much more of the Sun's abundant power, our descendants have encased the
star in a cage of billions of moving parts - a Dyson swarm. This energy can then be
transmitted to wherever it is needed in the Solar System....
... e, science, science fiction, sf, solar, stars,
stellar, structure, sun, technolo ...
Red Dwarf Flaring
Artwork of a red dwarf star emitting a stellar flare. A red dwarf is a small and
relatively cool star on the main sequence, either late K or M spectral type. They
range in in mass from a low of 0.075 solar masses to about 50% of the Sun and have a
... flare, limb, low mass, red dwarf, star, stars
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