3 matches found for search term
supernova, exact phrase.
Fast Blue Optical Transient - V1
Artwork depicting a cataclysmic astronomical even called a fast blue optical
transient (FBOT). These are epic explosions on a par with supernovae, kilonovae or gamma-ray bursts, but their rise
to maximum brightness and their subsequent decline are mu...
... ical transient, NOIRLab, press release, supernova ...
Fast Blue Optical Transient - V2
Artwork depicting a cataclysmic astronomical even called a fast blue optical
transient (FBOT). These are epic explosions on a par with supernovae, kilonovae or gamma-ray bursts, but their rise
to maximum brightness and their subsequent decline are mu...
... ical transient, NOIRLab, press release, supernova ...
Gravity Waves from Colliding White Dwarfs
Two white dwarfs are approaching each other on an inbound spiral that can only result
in destrucion, sending gravitational waves deep into the cosmos. They will soon
collide to form a Type 1a supernova....
3DS_Max, Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, conceptual, cosmic wave, einstein, gravi...
End of 3 total matches