18 matches found for search term
volcanic, exact phrase.
Displaying page 1 of 2:
Volcanic Exoplanet - V1
Illustration of a young terrestrial exoplanet around an M-dwarf star under intense
asteroidal bombardment. Created for an Oxford University press release....
... e, red dwarf, rocky, star, terrestrial, volcanic, volcanism ...
Volcanic Exoplanet - V2
Illustration of a young terrestrial exoplanet around an M-dwarf star under intense
asteroidal bombardment. Created for an Oxford University press release....
... e, red dwarf, rocky, star, terrestrial, volcanic, volcanism ...
Juno at Io
On 30 December 2023, the Juno spacecraft, exploring the Jovian system, approached the
volcanic moon Io at a distance of just 1500 km (930
miles). A similar encounter is scheduled to take place on 3 February 2024. The probe
is monitoring the moon's vo...
... stem, space craft, spacecraft, surface, volcanic
Juno at Io - V1
On 30 December 2023, the Juno spacecraft, exploring the Jovian system, approached the
volcanic moon Io at a distance of just 1500 km (930
miles). A similar encounter is scheduled to take place on 3 February 2024. The probe
is monitoring the moon's vo...
... stem, space craft, spacecraft, surface, volcanic
Juno at Io - V2
On 30 December 2023, the Juno spacecraft, exploring the Jovian system, approached the
volcanic moon Io at a distance of just 1500 km (930
miles). A similar encounter is scheduled to take place on 3 February 2024. The probe
is monitoring the moon's vo...
... stem, space craft, spacecraft, surface, volcanic
Blue Mars - V7
An impression of Mars in the past, when it was watery and probably volcanic....
... atellite, oceans, Phobos, planet, seas, volcanic, volcanism ...
Early Earth - V5
... Moon was far closer to Earth than it is now. During the Archaean epoch of the
Earth's past, between 2.5-4 billion years ago, volcanic activity was much more pronounced, and the
atmosphere lacked oxygen and was much richer in greenhouse gases. This ke ...
... itive, primordial, the Earth, the Moon, volcanic, volcanism ...
Primitive Earth - V3
... e Moon was far closer to Earth than it is now. During the Archaean Eon of the
Earth's past, between 2.5-4 billion years ago, volcanic activity was much more pronounced, and the
atmosphere lacked oxygen and was much richer in greenhouse gases. This ke ...
... itive, primordial, the Earth, the Moon, volcanic, volcanism ...
Eyeball Planet Hot - V1
... le, when a rocky world is so close to its parent star, the side that permanently
faces towards its star is likely molten and volcanic, while the other hemisphere remains solid -
creating a circular 'iris' of lava surrounded by solid rock. This is cal ...
... en, rocky, terrestrial, tidally locked, volcanic
Eyeball Planet Hot - V2
... le, when a rocky world is so close to its parent star, the side that permanently
faces towards its star is likely molten and volcanic, while the other hemisphere remains solid -
creating a circular 'iris' of lava surrounded by solid rock. This is cal ...
... en, rocky, terrestrial, tidally locked, volcanic
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