2 matches found for search term
volcano, exact phrase.
Kepler 444 - V2
Kepler-444 A is an orange main-sequence star twice the age of the Sun, an incredible
11 billion years old. Orbiting this are two red dwarfs (center, right) and five known
planets. All planets orbit so close to their parent star that life as we know i...
... cape, rocky, star, volcanic, volcanism, volcano
Ancient Mars - V5
A vision of the landscape of Mars with water in the ancient past, when its atmosphere
was thicker and warmer, seen from an altitude of a few hundred metres. This shows a
view over a dried river estuary. There are hints of green, indicative of primiti...
... oceans, planet, RedBubble, river, seas, volcano,
water ...
End of 2 total matches