5 matches found for search term
wormhole, exact phrase.
Wormhole Mouth - V1
Conceptual representation of the opening to a wormhole moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical
'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the theory of general relativity. In
principle, a wormhole connects two regi...
... time, technology, time travel, tunnel, wormhole, worm hole ...
Wormhole Mouth - V1
Conceptual animation of the opening to a wormhole
moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or
Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical 'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the
theory of general relativity. In principle, a wormhole connects two regions i...
... time, technology, time travel, tunnel, wormhole, worm hole ...
Wormhole Mouth - V2
Conceptual representation of the opening to a wormhole moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical
'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the theory of general relativity. In
principle, a wormhole connects two regi...
... time, technology, time travel, tunnel, wormhole, worm hole ...
Wormhole Mouth - V2
Conceptual animation of the opening to a wormhole
moving through a nebula. A wormhole (or
Einstein-Rosen bridge) is a theoretical 'tunnel' through spacetime, allowed by the
theory of general relativity. In principle, a wormhole connects two regions i...
... time, technology, time travel, tunnel, wormhole, worm hole ...
Gravity's Lens - V2
A black hole is an object so compact - usually a collapsed star - that nothing can
escape its gravitational pull. Not even light. On Earth an object needs to be
launched with a speed of 11 km/s if it is to escape the planet's gravity and go into
... gravity, lens, Relativity, swirl, warp, wormhole
End of 5 total matches