Kepler 444 - V2
Image may be cropped. Click to view. Kepler 444 - V2
Kepler-444 A is an orange main-sequence star twice the age of the Sun, an incredible 11 billion years old. Orbiting this are two red dwarfs (center, right) and five known planets. All planets orbit so close to their parent star that life as we know it could not exist there. In this view we stand on the innermost world, its surface largely molten, while the other planets are seen diagonally from the star (in transit) up to the right corner.

Title: Kepler 444 - V2

Category: Exoplanets, Stars & Nebulae

Date: Jan 2024

Medium: Blender, Photoshop

Keywords: Adobe Photoshop Blender 3D eruption exoplanet extrasolar planet Kepler 444 landscape rocky star volcanic volcanism volcano

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